Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sayanora Sagamoto!

We all know that Melaka has been a prominent source of *ahem* exporting *ahem* fine and well-trained youth *ahem* ever since the churches of Malaysia have been established some 4 decades ago *ahem*. Oh well, here goes another one : (

Leong Mei Mae 1989-2009

She's not exported to heaven yet, but unfortunately to Singapore to further her 'studies' kononnya. Actually she's bored with Malaysian food so she run over there to 'cari inspirasi baru'!
Anyway, she's been a 'gila girl' and a friendly friend in the church as long as I can remember her.

She's a poser, like most girls

She has good friends too, like most girls

She loves to eat, unlike most girls


and eat..

annnd eat :D

She likes to make others look silly sometimes

and sadly, she's forced to camwhore too :(

But most importantly, she's admired and loved by all for her gila gila attitude and her cheerful personality!

Even Pierre Png can't resist her! HAHA!

Btw, she's one lame joker I tell you, seriously. Let me *ahem* enlighten you :)

Mei Mae : Which is the richest country in the world?
Alvin : Erm...Brunei?
Mei Mae : NO LAH! *giggles*
Alvin : Sure stupid wan lah this answer..
Mei Mae : Yalar, hahha!
Alvin : I give up lah.
Mei Mae : Thailand la, because people there like to say Sawadeekap and it sounds like 'suo wo de ka'(swipe my card) in Chinese! *hysterical laughter*
Alvin : =.=" okaay.

Example 2

Mei Mae : Why did the cabbage disappear when the sun come out?
Alvin : I don't want to know
Mei Mae : Coz arh, the sun so hot until the cabbage peel itself until finish! HAHAHAHA!
Alvin : =.=!! rightt.

Example 3

Mei Mae : Which country don't have vegetables?
Alvin : Alright, I bet my life this is gonna be downright stupid.
Mei Mae : HAHAH! So smart lah *grins*
Alvin : I give up.
Mei Mae : China lah! Coz it can be pronounced as 'chai ne?'(where are the vegetables?) AHAHAHAHA!
Alvin : Half my brain cells just committed suicide.

xD lame much?

So, till the next time we meet for makan! I will look forward to your homecoming!

Sayanora Sagamoto!

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